Good morning Thursday

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Good morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 16 May 2024, 06:06

Good morning.

Sunny and hot. 8-)

Getting picked up at 9 by David for another walk.
It's fantastic that he's able to do this now after being so ill.
Next challenge will be back to climbing mountains. :cute:

A swim later then Mercadona for food shopping.

TV tonight.

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby cruiser2 » 16 May 2024, 07:51

Good morning Ally and anybody else who is up.

It was 17C when I got up and it is now 18C. The sun is out soit should get warmer. Will go and buy somemore plants and put them in the
back garden. If it rains I can always find something to do inside.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby JanB » 16 May 2024, 08:27

Morning Ally, Cruiser and everyone

Cool, grey and there is a chance of rain, so the washing can wait.

A quiet day, had a quick trip to urgencia yesterday, so I will be taking it easy today. Nothing to worry about.

Grumpy will be trying a trick using toothpaste, told to him by one of our car geeky friends.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you-re doing xx
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby JoM » 16 May 2024, 08:53

Morning all, it’s a lovely sunny one despite the forecast being for fog.

Bill’s had his walk and is now waiting for Joe to get up. He got back from Paris at 11pm so is working from home today rather than tomorrow. Me and John followed him in half an hour later from Manchester so had a catch up over a cuppa.

No plans for today, might do some more garage sorting seeing as John’s planning a tip run at the weekend.

Hope all is ok Jan x

Have a good day all :)

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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Osc » 16 May 2024, 09:56

Morning all, it looks like being another nice day. I got up at 7.45 to put in a wash so will get that out on the line before we go to dance practice. Then back for Kellie this afternoon.

My hygienist visit yesterday ended up with me on the dentist chair being told that I have a cracked tooth with a small (currently) abscess - it’s a crowned tooth but will have to go and I’m booked in for an implant on Monday week :shock: Also the MRI for my knee seems to be coming through, I’m expecting a phone call today confirming an appointment on Saturday. The diary is looking busy!
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby meriad » 16 May 2024, 11:52

Hello and good morning all

Ally, it really is great that David is able to do what he is; slowly slowly does it. Bet he cannot wait for the first bigger yomp
Jan, hope all is OK? :( and now I'm curious - what is the toothpaste trick?
Cruiser, I want to get loads of plants this weekend, enjoy the garden
Osc, ouch re the tooth; good luck!!!
Jo, good luck with the ongoing garage clear out.

An office day for me again today; but the now more regular late start which was just as well. I had a huge (and I mean 1m diameter huge) wall clock at mine that belongs to another friend that lives in Battersea; so I took it up on the train this morning and she met me at Waterloo. No way I'd have been able to do that on the early rush hour train.

Might meet up with Nadine after work today; I'll see.

Have a lovely day all x
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby jenniren » 16 May 2024, 12:04

Morning all :D

Wet :roll:

Hope all is okay Jan, definitely take it easy xx Another one wanting to know about the toothpaste trick??
Osc hope the tooth isn't too painful xx

Another day of pottering, beginning to feel a bit closed in, but at least it's not an ideal day to be out and about.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby JanB » 16 May 2024, 12:56

All okay thank you xx

My blood pressure went rocketing up, 186 over 101, with a pulse of 136 :o

So off we went, got seen almost immediately, even with a couple of children in there. Spoke to the doc, he gave me another reading, after the triage nurse had seen me, then into a small room, relax in a comfy chair and put these two tablets under your tongue. And when they-ve gone, do you want some soup, as it-s lunch time.

After an hour, checked it again and it was all back to normal, 124 over 75.

He told me of for only having 2.5mg bp tablets, so he-s upped it to 5mg daily.

The toothpaste trick. Never heard of it before, but Hugh, a good friend of ours, lives for his food, cars and wife, in that order :lol: He was admiring our new car a few months ago and told Grumpy that Mercedes lights can get a little manky. Put some toothpaste on a cloth and gently rub it into the lights. Wash off and dry.

Grumpy was amazed at the difference it made :lol: :lol:
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 16 May 2024, 14:24

Afternoon everyone :)

Al, that's really good about David :D xx

Enjoy your planting Cruiser xx

Jan, take it easy xx

Oh men love a tip run, Jo! Mick certainly seems to ;) :lol: :lol: xx

Gosh, it's all go then Osc! Good luck for Monday :shock: xx

Blimey Ria, that could have awkward.on the train :? :D xx

Being able to drive again soon will Walsall the difference, Jen 8-) xx

It's overcast here, neither warm nor cold - a "meh" sort of day :roll: Up early for a 9am hair appointment, just a trim this time. Then Tesco's with D. Washing is out on the line - I'm keeping an eye on it as rain is forecast. Pilates tonight.

Love to all xxx
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