Carpet Cleaners

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Carpet Cleaners

Postby meriad » 17 Apr 2024, 11:54

Who here has one of them and if you do, what make and are you happy with it?

I have two rugs at home; one is a Turkish wool about 1.5m x 2.5m; and the other is a (I think) synthetic rug about 1m x 1.5m - so neither very big; but..... they both are beyond a dire need of a clean. I had a company in a few years back to clean the Turkish rug and they were so rough with it so I'm loathe to get another company in. And machines from the likes of RugMaster are just soo huge, I'm not even sure I'd get them into my home on my own (it's quite a step up).

So, after much deliberation; and given the rugs probably could do with a more regular clean anyway, I'm thinking of just biting the bullet and buying my own carpet cleaner but not even sure where to start and what to look for. I thought Vax was market leader and meant to be amazing, but some of the reviews are quite worrying.

So wondering what (if anything) you have

thanks x
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby saundra » 17 Apr 2024, 12:25

I used to have a vax years ago which I thought was fine but then because I had access to rugmaster through work I always used that
Could you consider hiring that machine with family for a weekend then your brother could get it to you and use it himself just a thought
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby Workingman » 17 Apr 2024, 14:06

Ria, I have a VAX Rapid and it is fantastic... so long as you remember to vac your rugs / carpets first! Not that expensive at about £110 if you look around and no bigger than an upright vacuum cleaner. I use it a couple of times a year for a quick refresh.
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby meriad » 17 Apr 2024, 14:32

Thanks both

Saundra, it is something I had thought about, but (besides the size of the machines); sadly most of my cats are elderly now, two with health condition that unfortunately result in frequent accidents (they upchuck ;-) - so not to worry, it's neither of the p's); that I spot clean. So having a cleaner to hand means I can deep clean every 2 or so months which means the cost of buying my own would soon outweigh renting one .

Frank, thanks - I'll have a look at that one
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby saundra » 17 Apr 2024, 15:01

Good idea in the circumstance ria
Now where to keep it :lol: sigh
I do wish I had a laundry room don't we all?
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby meriad » 17 Apr 2024, 16:12

I'd happily kill for a laundry room Saundra..... I'll have to find a space; probably the shed (in other words, it'll be used once, packed away and then end up somewhere in the darkest deepest corner :lol: :lol: :lol: )
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby Suff » 17 Apr 2024, 16:17

We have a VAX Platinum Power Max. We do the many large (4mx3m) rugs each year. Does a very good job.
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby Kaz » 17 Apr 2024, 16:33

We've got a VAX, not sure what version it is though, it must be at least 15 years old as we bought it when we lived in Egham.
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby Workingman » 17 Apr 2024, 18:54

Quick tip, Ria: Whatever you get make sure it has rotating brushes for a better clean, don't rely on a 'spray and suck' one.
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Re: Carpet Cleaners

Postby JoM » 17 Apr 2024, 20:20

I gave up on Vax after having three fail in the space of 10 years (two were warranty replacements or I wouldn’t have stuck with the brand) and I now have a Bissell Stain Pro, I’ve had it for around 6 years now and it’s brilliant, plus the carpets are dry within a couple of hours.

I’ve also got a handheld Bissell Spot Clean machine which is very useful and I find that easier to use than the full size machine for cleaning the carpets on the stairs, there are two flights to do so it’s been worth buying.

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