I wonder what history will say

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I wonder what history will say

Postby Suff » 06 Feb 2017, 23:08

about who caused Brexit.

I remember Cameron going to the EU and telling them not to try and force the Transaction Tax through. Not to keep hammering at the UK as if we were the ONLY cause of the financial crisis and as if they were lily white and stain free.

Cameron asked them for concessions to keep the British people happy, for a draw down on the rhetoric, to stop what they were doing and stop driving the anti EU sentiment in the UK. He told them to stop going on about the UK taking refugees they insisted on letting in and to start working with the UK instead of always against it unless they needed something.

I'm sure he told them that unless he was going to get something from them, he would have to pass his EU referendum bill and give the people of the UK a referendum as the only way he would win the next election.

I'm pretty sure they said to him "Go ahead sonny nobody's leaving the EU, you won't get the votes".

So Cameron vetoed them on the transaction tax and passed his referendum bill.

The EU response? "Go on then you'll be a minor bit part nobody with no trade deals and no influence in the world."

When the horrible arc glare of the history spotlight is shone on the whole Brexit debacle, I suspect David Cameron is going to come out of it in a hugely better light than the overbearing imperialistic idiots in Brussels.

Not sure I'll live to see it but it really will be something to see for those who lived through it. Sadly it's unlikely that anyone in politics will learn from it....

But, honestly, it's got to be an Oops moment to rival "Peace in our Time".
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