Brexit and the Banking sector

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Brexit and the Banking sector

Postby Suff » 01 Feb 2017, 13:20

So, according to a leaked report, a good brexit deal is critical to the economic health of the remaining states of the EU.

Yep, that's right, the EU are beginning to realise that chopping the legs out from under the UK would be one of the biggest acts of self harm since the charge of the light brigade.

The paper states that

UK based financial services account for 40% of Europe’s assets under management and 60% of its capital markets business. “And UK-based banks provide more than £1.1tn of loans to the other EU member states”

Who was that French idiotic minister who said that the UK would have the "international relevance of Guernsey" if we left the EU???? Pillock.

As I said before and have continued to say since, the lies will come out, one at a time, during the process of Brexit. Yes the Leave crowd told porkies, but most of those were aspirational and skewed on the optimistic side. Relatively easy to see and understand. On the Remain side most of the porkies were known to be totally factually incorrect and were there only to strike fear into the heart of the population in order to force a vote the people did not want to make. Namely Remain.

To state that the economy would crash and burn that punitive interest rates would be applied and that massive and uncontrolled budgetary changes would be needed by the government, purely from the actual VOTE to leave, before the UK even entered the A50 stage; was nothing more than pure theatre.

What is coming out is what I've said for more than a decade. The EU needs the UK way more than the other way around. Yet the EU has carried on, regardless, assuming that they can do whatever Germany and France wants and ignore everything the UK wants unless we veto or refuse to sign a treaty.

Fortunately for us, the EU leaks like a sieve. So every time they tell the truth about the situation we'll know.

Interestingly Carney said this at the beginning of the month and the markets completely ignored him. Today the £ is rising again.
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